Smart Water 4 Energy (SW4E)

Smart Water 4 Energy

Intelligent system for energy management in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), to monitor and forecast the changes in energy consumption through the integration of data sources, mathematical models and operating conditions.

Smart Water 4 Energy (SW4E) is an intelligent system for energy management of WWTP, in response to one of the biggest challenges that the sector faces at global level, to lower energy consumption in the wastewater treatment process, together with the need to adopt more stringent limits in the quality of the effluent discharge. The  SW4E integrates models, external data sources, data from SCADA systems and other local databases, allowing:

  • Real-time modeling results by integrating SCADA systems or other external data source with models without human intervention;
  • Anticipate difficult situations by creating custom alarms that combine information from multiple data sources (real or modeled);
  • Launch of automatic simulation processes scenarios to evaluate management options in real time;
  • Generate automated reports with modeling the results based on pre-defined templates;
  • Allow to use the modeling results in a practical way in the operation and taking advantage of the know-how of existing operators.

The Smart Water 4 Energy by implementing energy monitoring systems, predictive flow and energy models, control the carbon removal from the activated sludge, mathematical models for the sedimentation and biological treatment steps and energy performance reports, allowed significant savings in the operating costs of the WWTP of Alcântara and Frielas